Jessica’s ‘Daily COVID-19 Schedule’
A mum who says she created a ‘daily COVID-19 schedule’ in ‘a bid to keep my family sane’ was stunned to find it shared across the world.
She posted on her Facebook page: “Made this schedule to keep myself and my family sane through the unprecedented weeks ahead. Funny how everything works – it’s gotten picked up by behaviour groups, doctors, teachers, and has been shared more than 10k times that I know of. I feel like I just got an official mom trophy!”
Before 9am: Wake up, eat breakfast, make your bed, get dressed and put PJs in laundry
9 – 10: Morning family walk with the dog or yoga if it’s raining
10 – 11: Academic time – no electronics. Soduku books, flash cards, study guide, journal
11 – 12: Creative time – Legos, magnatiles, drawing, crafting, play music, cook or bake, etc
12: Lunch
12.30: Chore time – A: wipe all kitchen table and chairs, B: wipe all door handles, light switches and desk tops and C: wipe both bathrooms – sinks and toilets
1 – 2.30: Quiet time – reading, puzzles, nap
2.30 – 4: Academic time – electronics OK, iPad games, education shows
4 – 5: Afternoon fresh air: Bikes, walk the dog, play outside
5 – 6: Dinner
6 – 8: Free TV time and showers for kids x 3
8: Bedtime – all kids
9: Bedtime – all kids who follow the daily schedule and don’t fight
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