The University of Faisalabad was established in the year 2002 under the auspices of Madinah Foundation, a not-forprofit philanthropic organization, in the light of the vision “Industry, Service, Education” of its founder Chairman, Haji Muhammad Saleem (Late).
The founder created this facility for providing quality education in professional areas to meet the educational needs of the people in and around Faisalabad. The University has two Campuses i.e. Saleem Campus for female students, and Amin Campus for male students.
Saleem Campus is located on Sargodha Road, Faisalabad near motorway exit toll plaza while Amin Campus is located on West Canal Road, Faisalabad in the vicinity of Faisalabad Chamber of Commerce & Industry and National Textile University.
In March 2012, Higher Education Commission ranked Universities for the first time on the basis of Implementation of Quality Assurance Criteria, Teaching Quality and Research the University got Second Position in its category. The University of Faisalabad secured FIRST Position in HEC ranking in its category of “General Universities (Small)” in 2013. HEC categorized TUF in the highest category W4 in March 2013.
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Faculty of Health Sciences
Faculty of Engineering & Technology
Faculty of Management Studies
Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences
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